I'd like to contact you about Inquisitor Trainer. I like to mess with Renpy and , just for fun, I did modifications in 0.3.0. Especiallly reducing the size of your code (too many duplicate things), some bug fixing and lots of small improvements. Not in your entire game of course.
I think you could benefit from what I have done.
I am active as Bibifoc on F95 forum if interested.
Hey I bought the game a while ago to support the development but I can't download any of the updated versions. Am I doing something wrong? It says I own the game
On v0.30 it seems I cant progress further after Main Quest 6, and sometimes Main Quest 2 shows up again in quests dialogue, I also cant complete Main Quest 2 even though I already exhaust all dialogue for everyone before progressing, Main Quest 3 and beyond however is completable until Main Quest 6. Is it a bug? because I found this at version 0.27 too, where I cant progress further after Sister Miria story finish. Thank you
0.27 is not compabtilble with 0.3.0 there might be a savegame version error in this. I suggest to restart the game with the latest version. And the content still ends at mainquest 6 for the latest build (halloween update)
Not true as long as their is an updated version available from the dev it should be attainable via itch.io barring any compatibility issues the with itch.io client. As a bonus here are two game crash codes. One for trying to repair the armor and the other for buying the potion.
I paid into the polished version and absolutely could not figure out how to download it to my Windows PC. Had to download it to my phone for any hopes of playing it. Can you make make it more intuitive for downloading or create a guide for instillation? I'm happy to be able to finally install and lay it but I also loathe playing games on my phone so I would like to be able to get it on my PC.
Hey I really like your game nu I got stuck at one point so I tried to playthru it again but when I go to the HQ an see the inqisitor the sister of battel don’t load in how do I fix it?
Hello, thank you very much for this game, I liked it very much, although I have doubts if I have already solved the entire story mode, at least as far as it takes its development. Do you have any guide that shows all the steps, so that I can correct it?
Heyo I like your game, do you have plan to make more of the adult scene forced, like in the beginning with the Inquisitors lady (i dont remember the name of), I hope you make it so we have a choice in the matter ,so we self can choice who we want to bang.
Anyway nice game so far i like it alot, you have my support if you make it so we not forced to bang random people :3
Edit: Never mind, I just continue the story and got forced to both a gang bang and fucking a old man, so fucking disappointed that we not get some options :/
Hello. I downloaded the game to try it, a couple of days ago. And well, is amazing. Really. Now, I would love to show some support to this because is well deserved. I have a question, if I manage to download the most updated version (28.1 polished - android) through the donation, is there a way to use my existing save files? Thanks!
Yes, technically your save files from the previous game version will work on newer version of the game build after you install the new version of the game. However you need to note that not all version will have compatible save files because the content of the game files are significantly different in terms or art assets and coding. I can tell you that the upcoming version 0.29 will not be compatible with older versions.
Sorry but I only post my walkthrough on Patreon as a benefit for my $5 patrons. But the good news is, if you wanna wait, I'll make the quest tracker system inside the game, and it will be available on the first week of september.
I noticed that defense points of you and all enemy types get drained permanetly. So if you you fight against your 2nd, 3rd .. demoness she doesn’t have armor. Furthermore there is no way to repair your own armor even buying a 2nd tech robe didn’t work for me
On undercity level one, if you click the closed door the previous scene is displayed for a moment.
Under some circumstances (such as adored relationship status) Roxxy looks like getting called (green distorted) even when talking in person in the bar.
Buying the purple knife from the toaster does not yield more scenes with the dark eldar.
It also extremely annoying that the music restarts when you back out to the top level of locations like the citadel.
hey, I just purchased the latest release, and I'm getting a copyrighted content has been remove from media fire warning when I click the "polished android" download button.
after i confront sister miria and had a scene with the cardinal, the game seemingly didn't progress at all. because after that i tried every available choice but nothing seems working, going back to the church and talk with sister only give me another scene with cardinal which give me some credits but doesn't advanced the time is it a bug, or just the end of current update? because i dont think i see such notice
also i manage to get a conversation with the space marine but after buying him some wine, the dialogue return to the "first time" dialogue the next day, as if the progress bar resetted
Truly loving this game so far, but i have run into an issue. I got busy and couldn't play for a while. Now i dont know what im supposed to do. Is there a journal or objective tracker anywhere? I just got to the part where the pink pearl opens up but im not sure where to go from there.
Quest tracker feature, is currently still under development so it is not implemented yet. And the story currently ends at the end of the church scene between sister Miria and the cardinal, so The pink pearl quest is pnly a side quest and it still ends after you unlock both of the girls there.
I'm getting an error when I start the game for Windows version of the game.
I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.
File "renpy/common/00definitions.rpy", line 31: ATL statement contains two expressions in a row; is one of them a misspelled property? If not, separate them with pass.
xsize None ysize None fit None crop None
File "renpy/common/00definitions.rpy", line 67: ATL statement contains two expressions in a row; is one of them a misspelled property? If not, separate them with pass.
xsize None ysize None fit None crop None
File "renpy/common/00definitions.rpy", line 385: ATL statement contains two expressions in a row; is one of them a misspelled property? If not, separate them with pass.
I see, I am afraid our game version is not compatible with Joiplay emulator. I am sorry for the inconvenience, Email me at yb.pratama@gmail.com so I can arrange a refund to you
Hi, I wanted to know how to access the pink palace, it just says establishment closed for buisness in my game. Is it available in the public version of the game?
The Pink Pearl will be accessible after the conclusion of the orgy scene in the undercity with the gangers the next day . In the morning you need to talk to Cordelia first and she will say this:
the file is hosted using google drive file storage application, it should be compatible to any windows and mac platforms. Which version of the game that you tried to download?
inquisitor_trainer-0.26b(polish)-pc. And all the others. I click on the links, download through this site (my library), save to google drive and I am asked to download or pick an app to extract the files. I do this and save to "My Downloads" on my PC. I have a Windows PC. I am not a super tech guy but not clueless either. I did not know if would be this frustrating. What do I need to do?
EDIT: I have downloaded the Google Drive app. The itch app, synced with my PC, and I am still lost. I get the same message. All I am doing is getting the same message. I've followeed the directions and yet I am stuck in a loop.
Dear Sir, have you received my emails about the issues I am having? At this point, shall I just attempt to uninstall and delete this product from my PC? I have attempted to install this game in the Windows formats I downloaded, extracted and have saved to my Google Drive App. I bought all formats on 28 June, downloaded through the email I was sent, downloaded the "itch" app, and continue to get the error message about a "third part app". I have received no replies to my last emails. I need an answer whether this issue is fixable or not. Could you please reply and update me? Thank you
Sir, I am patiently waiting an answer. I purchased your product in good faith. I need to know how to proceed. Please advise on my next step. I'll be happy to delete this program if needed if it is not working. Please let me know. I appreciate it. William D.
Really like the game so far my only complaints at this point is that the shading on Heidi's breasts looks weird in her normal outfit. To me at least it sometimes looks like she has mono boob. Also I did not like that it seems you have participate in certain sexual encounters. There were a few sex scenes I really wish I had not seen.
Thanks for the input. We'll try to make it better :) And yeah we know that certain sexual encounters can not please everyone as we all have our own preferences, but you can skip the scenes that you don't like by pressing the skip button that we provide on the bottom of the screen. hope that helps.
The following problem: I Just purchased this game for a fiver, expecting to be able to download the 0.26 polished version with cheats enabled. All the link however does, is redirect me to your Patreon. I do not have a Patreon account, nor do I intend to set one up.
noted.. that’s a good input. Oh yea, we’re planning to add more variety into this game for future update. Like futanari and group sex. So stay tune! Gonna give more updates.
← Return to game
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Try to uninstall the game first before install the new one. That happens because renpy has updated their program.
I'd like to contact you about Inquisitor Trainer. I like to mess with Renpy and , just for fun, I did modifications in 0.3.0. Especiallly reducing the size of your code (too many duplicate things), some bug fixing and lots of small improvements. Not in your entire game of course.
I think you could benefit from what I have done.
I am active as Bibifoc on F95 forum if interested.
See you.
Hey friend,
Thanks a lot for the offer. I've contacted you in F95 forum. And can you PM me your discord ID?
Thanks again,
I answered you on F95 ;)
Yes we are looking to possibilites to enable support for multiple laguages, I will add spanish language to the list.
Who is the Cover artist?
Game crashes after purchasing potion. Chaos Battle Sisters are not dropping armor fragments.
Thank you for the error report. We will look into it
Hey I bought the game a while ago to support the development but I can't download any of the updated versions. Am I doing something wrong? It says I own the game
On v0.30 it seems I cant progress further after Main Quest 6, and sometimes Main Quest 2 shows up again in quests dialogue, I also cant complete Main Quest 2 even though I already exhaust all dialogue for everyone before progressing, Main Quest 3 and beyond however is completable until Main Quest 6. Is it a bug? because I found this at version 0.27 too, where I cant progress further after Sister Miria story finish. Thank you
0.27 is not compabtilble with 0.3.0 there might be a savegame version error in this. I suggest to restart the game with the latest version. And the content still ends at mainquest 6 for the latest build (halloween update)
i still cant find any news after 2 upgrades....the game was so good at the beginning....
I also found this problem
I have uploaded a hotfix in the build. You guys could just download it and try the game again.
I paid for this a few months ago but i can only access the free version, what i'm doing wrong? On the top of the page says i own the game.
Your purchase few months ago was for that specific version only
if i buy the latest version now, does it mean i always get access to latest version or is it a "one time purchase of that exact version" ?
I believe in this platform, what applies is "One time purchase of that exact version"
Not true as long as their is an updated version available from the dev it should be attainable via itch.io barring any compatibility issues the with itch.io client. As a bonus here are two game crash codes. One for trying to repair the armor and the other for buying the potion.

I paid into the polished version and absolutely could not figure out how to download it to my Windows PC. Had to download it to my phone for any hopes of playing it. Can you make make it more intuitive for downloading or create a guide for instillation? I'm happy to be able to finally install and lay it but I also loathe playing games on my phone so I would like to be able to get it on my PC.
for the pc version, you only to unpack the downloaded zip file into your pc and play directly from the game folder (use the .exe file)
If I could get to that point I'd be happy. Maybe I'm just a moron but no avenue I pursue will let me actually download the ZIP to my PC.
Hey I really like your game nu I got stuck at one point so I tried to playthru it again but when I go to the HQ an see the inqisitor the sister of battel don’t load in how do I fix it?
you might need to reinstall the game and restart it
Hello, thank you very much for this game, I liked it very much, although I have doubts if I have already solved the entire story mode, at least as far as it takes its development. Do you have any guide that shows all the steps, so that I can correct it?
the walkthrough is available on our patreon post https://www.patreon.com/posts/55583430
Any chance of getting the game files hosted oin a site compatible with the itch.io client so it is possible to install the games from there?
we will add another file hosting options on october that should be compatible with itch.io client
Heyo I like your game, do you have plan to make more of the adult scene forced, like in the beginning with the Inquisitors lady (i dont remember the name of), I hope you make it so we have a choice in the matter ,so we self can choice who we want to bang.
Anyway nice game so far i like it alot, you have my support if you make it so we not forced to bang random people :3
Edit: Never mind, I just continue the story and got forced to both a gang bang and fucking a old man, so fucking disappointed that we not get some options :/
Yes, We are currently making 'alternate' approach to complete quest which does not involve adult scenes. Also alternate endings and morality gauge.
Futanari upgrade is wrong. That's just a dildo stuck to their crotches. At least make them look like a real dick
Yes, we will change it. And also there is going to be a new genuine futanari character
nice! While you're at it add frottage action between futa characters xD
I download the game but why the character does not have sound as the demo?
The one with the voiceover was only a video demo playthrough for youtube
Hello. I downloaded the game to try it, a couple of days ago. And well, is amazing. Really. Now, I would love to show some support to this because is well deserved. I have a question, if I manage to download the most updated version (28.1 polished - android) through the donation, is there a way to use my existing save files? Thanks!
Thank you for your support! Much appreciated.
Yes, technically your save files from the previous game version will work on newer version of the game build after you install the new version of the game. However you need to note that not all version will have compatible save files because the content of the game files are significantly different in terms or art assets and coding. I can tell you that the upcoming version 0.29 will not be compatible with older versions.
Is there a walkthrough for this I can use?
Sorry but I only post my walkthrough on Patreon as a benefit for my $5 patrons.
But the good news is, if you wanna wait, I'll make the quest tracker system inside the game, and it will be available on the first week of september.
I noticed that defense points of you and all enemy types get drained permanetly. So if you you fight against your 2nd, 3rd .. demoness she doesn’t have armor. Furthermore there is no way to repair your own armor even buying a 2nd tech robe didn’t work for me
Yes. That’s a bug. Already fix it and it won’t happen again in the next update (I’ll post the newest version within a week)
Other bugs:
It also extremely annoying that the music restarts when you back out to the top level of locations like the citadel.
Got it! Thanks for the feedback.
hey, I just purchased the latest release, and I'm getting a copyrighted content has been remove from media fire warning when I click the "polished android" download button.
Hey, I've just replaced the mediafire link with G drive. Please try again.
Enjoy the game.
after i confront sister miria and had a scene with the cardinal, the game seemingly didn't progress at all. because after that i tried every available choice but nothing seems working, going back to the church and talk with sister only give me another scene with cardinal which give me some credits but doesn't advanced the time
is it a bug, or just the end of current update? because i dont think i see such notice
also i manage to get a conversation with the space marine but after buying him some wine, the dialogue return to the "first time" dialogue the next day, as if the progress bar resetted
The cardinal story ends the current update content. While the space marine conversation is a known loop bug which will be addressed in the next build
okay, thanks for the clear up
i was afraid it was a bug and i had to redo the progres
Truly loving this game so far, but i have run into an issue. I got busy and couldn't play for a while. Now i dont know what im supposed to do. Is there a journal or objective tracker anywhere? I just got to the part where the pink pearl opens up but im not sure where to go from there.
Quest tracker feature, is currently still under development so it is not implemented yet. And the story currently ends at the end of the church scene between sister Miria and the cardinal, so The pink pearl quest is pnly a side quest and it still ends after you unlock both of the girls there.
Oh ok. So where do i find the felines food?
And the phone version I get this
Is there an older version of the game in your device?
No I do not
I'm getting an error when I start the game for Windows version of the game.
I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.
File "renpy/common/00definitions.rpy", line 31: ATL statement contains two expressions in a row; is one of them a misspelled property? If not, separate them with pass.
xsize None ysize None fit None crop None
File "renpy/common/00definitions.rpy", line 67: ATL statement contains two expressions in a row; is one of them a misspelled property? If not, separate them with pass.
xsize None ysize None fit None crop None
File "renpy/common/00definitions.rpy", line 385: ATL statement contains two expressions in a row; is one of them a misspelled property? If not, separate them with pass.
mesh flatten
Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py
Wed Jul 14 05:51:15 2021
Can you select "ignore" option in the lower left corner of the game screen?
I tried that and it crashed the game and I tried to reopen and got the same result
What version of windows are you using?
I'm using joiplay with renpy plugin
I see, I am afraid our game version is not compatible with Joiplay emulator. I am sorry for the inconvenience, Email me at yb.pratama@gmail.com so I can arrange a refund to you
Hi, I wanted to know how to access the pink palace, it just says establishment closed for buisness in my game. Is it available in the public version of the game?
The Pink Pearl will be accessible after the conclusion of the orgy scene in the undercity with the gangers the next day . In the morning you need to talk to Cordelia first and she will say this:
Hi, I paid $6 for this on my PC. i get a this app is hosted by an incompatible third party website when i try to install????
the file is hosted using google drive file storage application, it should be compatible to any windows and mac platforms. Which version of the game that you tried to download?
inquisitor_trainer-0.26b(polish)-pc. And all the others. I click on the links, download through this site (my library), save to google drive and I am asked to download or pick an app to extract the files. I do this and save to "My Downloads" on my PC. I have a Windows PC. I am not a super tech guy but not clueless either. I did not know if would be this frustrating. What do I need to do?
EDIT: I have downloaded the Google Drive app. The itch app, synced with my PC, and I am still lost. I get the same message. All I am doing is getting the same message. I've followeed the directions and yet I am stuck in a loop.
can you send a screenshot of the error message and send it to this email yb.pratama@gmail.com
On its way.
I sent some others as well, showing my Google Drive, etc. Hope this can help.
Dear Sir, have you received my emails about the issues I am having? At this point, shall I just attempt to uninstall and delete this product from my PC? I have attempted to install this game in the Windows formats I downloaded, extracted and have saved to my Google Drive App. I bought all formats on 28 June, downloaded through the email I was sent, downloaded the "itch" app, and continue to get the error message about a "third part app". I have received no replies to my last emails. I need an answer whether this issue is fixable or not. Could you please reply and update me? Thank you
Sir, I am patiently waiting an answer. I purchased your product in good faith. I need to know how to proceed. Please advise on my next step. I'll be happy to delete this program if needed if it is not working. Please let me know. I appreciate it. William D.
This looks interesting but I don't have a pc, so I was wondering if you was ever going to get an Android version released?
The android version of the game is only available on our patreon page for now
When will it be available?
Done, I added the android version for V 0.27a the basic and polished build.
The free version when
how do i get credits
Edit: found it, had to clean the bar and read books in the headquaters. Manage to get over 5.6 mil before finishing the game
Edit: At dark, use the dice game in the bar, it allows for so much money but at risk
BROTHER, I AM PINNED HERE! (Cant wait to play this!)
Wehr can i make Money in that Game
Has settled had overlooked that the bartender has an offer in the meantime even as a
Stripper so no more money worries
LG Silana
will the future updates be compatible for macOS ?
Hello! Just added the MacOS. Enjoy!
Really like the game so far my only complaints at this point is that the shading on Heidi's breasts looks weird in her normal outfit. To me at least it sometimes looks like she has mono boob. Also I did not like that it seems you have participate in certain sexual encounters. There were a few sex scenes I really wish I had not seen.
Thanks for the input. We'll try to make it better :)
And yeah we know that certain sexual encounters can not please everyone as we all have our own preferences, but you can skip the scenes that you don't like by pressing the skip button that we provide on the bottom of the screen. hope that helps.
The following problem: I Just purchased this game for a fiver, expecting to be able to download the 0.26 polished version with cheats enabled. All the link however does, is redirect me to your Patreon. I do not have a Patreon account, nor do I intend to set one up.
Gonna fix this problem real soon! Thanks for letting us know
hey, I’ve just fixed the link. And may I get your email? I’ll send the game directly to u. Sorry for this mistake.
Thank you so much for the quick fix and reply! Played through the basic version and I liked what i saw :)
Edit: The link works perfectly fine now, no worries!
when im first in my apartment being awoken by the servo skull and i click on the vent behind my bed i get an error and the game shuts down
got it. Gonna fix this bugs soon.
Great game, Id love to see more updates but as more content is added id like the option to skip certain scenes (e.g skip all Lesbian scenes) thanks
noted.. that’s a good input. Oh yea, we’re planning to add more variety into this game for future update. Like futanari and group sex. So stay tune! Gonna give more updates.